Treatment of osteoarthritis and intervertebral hernia

Treatment of osteoarthritis and intervertebral hernia with new effective low-trauma methods. New methods of diagnostics in orthopaedics. Innovative methods of conservative and surgical treatment of orthopaedic diseases.
Diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system are one of the main causes of disability of the working population worldwide. The prevention and treatment of these disorders are carried out in such medical fields as traumatology and orthopaedics.
Treatment of osteoarthritis and intervertebral hernia is represented by a huge number of different methods, both conservative and operational.
But before we talk about different methods of treatment in orthopaedics and traumatology, it is necessary to touch upon the issue of diagnostics.
A high level of diagnostics allows to make a diagnosis with great accuracy, as well as to simulate the use of various methods of treatment. To ensure a high level of accuracy, it is necessary to use modern equipment.
In addition to well-known research methods such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, a new method of diagnosing orthopaedic pathology has recently emerged – 4D diagnostics, which is gaining momentum to detect gait disorders.
In addition, the technique allows to diagnose manifestations of postural deficit (imbalance of the human body), such as scoliosis, kyphosis, etc. Also, the method allows to assess the effects of the treatment and to adjust its direction in time. The study takes several minutes.
Another modern diagnostic orthopaedic technique is the method of foot load analysis. For this purpose, computer technologies are used, which with the help of various graphs allow us to comprehensively assess the load zones on the feet and select the necessary orthopaedic footwear.
In addition, to exclude various bone diseases and muscle dysfunction, tissue density assessment and muscle function analysis are used. A special device makes it possible to assess the density of bones, which is a benchmark in the early diagnosis of osteoporosis.
Changes in muscle function due to shortening or weakening of muscles lead to severe pain in walking. Analysis of muscle function is performed by electromyography. The method is based on the registration of biopotentials of different muscle groups.
The study allows to exclude any neurological causes of disorders in the musculoskeletal system. In addition, the study will help to determine the optimal direction in the training of various muscles after injuries and operations.
In addition to diagnostics, myographs are used in physiotherapy, which speeds up rehabilitation after injuries, wounds and surgical interventions.
Another important method in orthopaedics is digital X-ray diagnostics. The digital apparatus allows to get an image with a small dose of irradiation in all projections for diagnostics and determination of the method of treatment of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Given the low dose of radiation and the rapid performance of the study, this method is particularly useful for children.
Not the last method of diagnostics in orthopaedics is the use of ultrasound. Ultrasound equipment of expert class allows to detect signs of inflammation in the joints, muscles and ligaments.

However, qualitative examination is not always determined by the equipment, but rather by the ability of the operator (ultrasound doctor) to see changes.
After a thorough diagnosis, the orthopedist is determined with further treatment tactics.
Treatment of osteoarthritis and intervertebral hernia can be performed by two methods: conservative and operative.
In addition to the use of various drug regimens, non-medicamentous methods of treatment are used, as well as the use of drugs directly at the site of injury:
Orthopaedic manual therapy is nowadays a rather effective method of treatment of many diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
The main link of manual therapy is the identification of problems, for which highly specialized approaches to treatment with the help of manual methods and therapeutic exercises are applied. The solution of biopsychosocial problems is the main thing in the work with each patient. Usually a session takes about 1 hour and requires 7 to 10 sessions.
Orthopaedic manual therapy is performed by highly professional physiotherapists who have been trained for 5-7 years and have about 1500 hours of work with patients.
In Germany, there are about 700 physiotherapists who have the necessary skills to perform manual therapy at the highest level. Chiropractic therapy is necessary for patients with back and neck discomfort, osteoarthritis, ruptured ligaments, posture and many other conditions.
Treatment of osteoarthritis by administering hyaluronic acid directly to the affected joint. Hyaluronic acid is a part of the joint fluid and cartilage. Thus, when injected into the affected joint, there is improved sliding between the joint surfaces. Usually one injection is given once every six months.
In addition to hyaluronic acid, orthopaedists administer drugs directly to the affected areas of the spine and joints. Introduction takes place under the control of an ultrasound sensor, X-ray and computerized examination.
Some clinics in Germany, in particular in Munich, use cryotherapy and thermoregulation methods.
The essence of the method is the local application of cold to the nerve endings near the affected joint. Usually one procedure is enough to relieve pain for several years.
Cryo cryotherapy device (Zimmer Gmbh) manufactured in Germany has many advantages over other devices, as the procedure takes a small amount of time, a probe for the procedure of minimum size.
In acute disorders of the ligamentous-muscular apparatus with great success used laser therapy. Laser application allows to remove the affected tissues, thus surrounding healthy cells and tissues remain without changes.
This method is used for various joint pains. Laser therapy devices are manufactured in many countries around the world. These devices are installed in many orthopaedic clinics.
Pulsing signal therapy is gaining momentum in the treatment of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such as arthritis, arthritis, arthrosis, joint conditions after injuries and surgery. This method consists in the use of magnetic pulses, thanks to which the cartilage of the joint is restored.