Welcome to PT Link. Nowadays all physiotherapy clinics must have a physiotherapy blog. It is very important to have a worked and updated blog, with this you will obtain many benefits for your clinic, you will increase considerably your visibility in the search engines and you will obtain a good online reputation.
First of all you must create a good content strategy, with it the blog can become a great tool to attract quality traffic. It also complements topics that have fallen short on the web or that do not appear and are important to your users.
In the blog you show your target audience what you know about physiotherapy, you can become an expert in your sector and a reference for your community. With the content you create, you can bring great added value to users and customers. If you manage this tool well, you will easily differentiate yourself from your competitors and you will be able to attract new clients.
As for the creation of a new website, we must hire an online marketing agency specializing in web development. For the management and optimization of the blog we must hire a team of professionals to get the most out of it.
Organic positioning
The blog is essential to improve search engine positioning. It creates regular, high quality and updated content. This Google algorithm likes, and therefore, we will take into account and scale positions.
Google in the latest updates has made it clear that content is king, and the blog is where we can get the most out of it.
On the website, content is barely updated and Google doesn’t like that. That’s why with athe blog content we show this search engine that we’re active and create quality, up-to-date content. The blog is the perfect complement to your website. Without it, little by little you will be losing positions because your content is static.
Organic positioning
The blog is essential to improve search engine positioning. It creates regular, high quality and updated content. This Google algorithm likes, and therefore, we will take into account and scale positions.
Google in the latest updates has made it clear that content is king, and the blog is where we can get the most out of it.
On the website, content is barely updated and Google doesn’t like that. That’s why with athe blog content we show this search engine that we’re active and create quality, up-to-date content. The blog is the perfect complement to your website. Without it, little by little you will be losing positions because your content is static.
We must bear in mind that not only with a blog we will be on the first page of search engine results by some keywords, the positioning is much more complex but having a good blog helps us achieve this goal.
Increase traffic to your website
By constantly creating new content and disseminating it through the different online channels of the physiotherapy clinic, we increase the traffic of users on our website.
For this to happen, the website and blog must have a good structure of internal links, which are able to guide users by the content that interests us. This link structure should make sense since you cannot link a post, for example, of sports physiotherapy with the category of your website of preventive physiotherapy.
The users who come to our website from the blog are quality because if they are reading posts on physiotherapy is because they are interested in the subject or need to go to a clinic. It is easier to convert these users than others who come from other channels.